Book Professional Acting Gigs And Start Getting Paid big Bucks, Even If You Don't live In Hollywood

Break Into Acting And Sign With An Agent Using My Proven 3-Week Blueprint!

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Summer Sale! Get lifetime access and insane bonuses for just $48! (Normally $498)

SUMMER SALE ENDS sOON!! Get Lifetime Access and insane bonuses for just $48! (normally $498)

Working Actor In 21 Days is for aspiring actors who want a STEP BY STEP guide telling them EXACTLY how to get started booking high paying gigs without an agent, years of experience, or having to move to Hollywood

"I landed my first job as an actor. Kot is a great acting coach. His method works."
Carmelo E.
"Kot has been in the game for a long while and knows his stuff. If Kot has a game plan to get you started, believe me he knows the steps."
Tony L.
"Working with Kot is an absolute pleasure. The positive energy and dedication he brings is a joy. I'd jump at the chance to work with him again."
Nick M.

Introducing Working Actor in 21 Days!

The one stop resource to for newer and beginning actors to launch their acting career and get their first agent!

Use my proven 21-DAY step-by-step checklist to book acting jobs in 2022!

If investing in this program helps you book even ONE JOB

It pays for itself!

What's Included In This Program

week one

Learn the number one thing that will make you irresistible to casting directors

  • If you don’t know what casting directors want, you’ll be stuck acting in your living room for the rest of your days!
  • Once you know how to uncover your MOST CASTABLE ATTRIBUTE, you’ll quickly become the new talent in town, stealing all the jobs

When you know what casting directors want

Copy my portfolio blueprint that will start getting you auditions FAST

  • I’ll give you the blueprint to creating the exact portfolio I would make if I had to start all over from NOTHING
  • Even if you currently have NO acting footage and your only filming equipment is your phone!

STAND OUT and make it easy for casting directors to choose you for their next project!

Learn what makes a headshot stop casting directors in their tracks

  • Uncover the secrets that separate a GREAT headshots that get you work from amateur headshots that turn industry professionals away
  • Get a step-by-step walkthrough to booking your very own session, NO MATTER YOUR BUDGET

My headshots booked me countless of gigs and generated me 10s of thousands of dollars!

discover the top 5 mISTAKES TO AVOID when submitting yourself for auditions

If you don’t know how to showcase how you look and feel on camera to casting directors and producers, you’ll INSTANTLY get yourself disqualified from getting auditions

When you can avoid the TOP MISTAKES

Discover exactly how to find jobs NEAR YOU (and avoid the scams)

  • Learn where the best acting jobs are posted online, how to find jobs NEAR YOU
  • Know how to avoid the WACK JOBS (scams)

week two

get the 10-step guidelines that will have you auditioning like a professional

  • Discover my TOP SECRETS for auditioning that will help you make an unforgettable impression 
  • Learn the NUMBER 1 HACK to STAND OUT and blow the competition out of the water time and time again
  • See the TOP 5 COMMON MISTAKES rookies make that keep them from getting cast

I’ll even break down some of my actual auditions that booked me ACTUAL jobs, so you can clearly see what works and replicate it for yourself

learn how to create jaw-dropping & realistic performances

  • Uncover the NUMBER 1 INGREDIENT you need in your performances to make audiences and directors LOVE YOU
  • While Avoiding the top 3 mistakes rookies make that make their performance cringey and not believable

get the Holy bible of SCRIPT ANALYSIS

  • Learn the process professional actors use to break down their character’s dialogue
  • Discover how to take the character off the page and bring them to life and embody them
  • Get my top 3 tricks for memorizing lines quickly and effectively

week three

get the top 5 exercises you can do at home to build unshakeable technique

  • Learn the 5 most crucial acting foundations through actionable exercises
  • Develop your technique anytime and anywhere you want
  • See the number 1 reason why most actors stay stagnant and don’t grow

get the ultimate guide to signing with an agent

  • Discover the NUMBER 1 thing agents look for
  • Learn how to find the right agent for you
  • How to approach agents and get their attention
  • How to prepare and CRUSH your agent interview (I’ve been offered over 7 contracts from different agencies in the past few years, so I know what I’m talking about)


Weekly lIVE video calls!


I will be hosting Weekly LIVE video calls so you can get direct feedback from me!
Get your questions answered and overcome your biggest roadblocks in the fastest, most straight-forward way possible
I will NOT be hosting these live sessions forever, so if you want this insanely valuable bonus, ENROLL NOW!

Get access to an exclusive community of committed actors!

Get feedback and get your questions answered 24/7!

You will get access to an exclusive community of actors on the SAME journey as you, 10Xing how fast you get results

Your next big gig could easily come from a connection you make in this group of superstars!

Aeris got FREE headshots by connecting with one of the other group members, which easily saved her $700-1000 dollars with this photographer!

Aeris got FREE headshots by connecting with one of the other group members, which easily saved her $700-1000 dollars with this photographer!

my top 10 dos and don'ts For networking

Uncover my BIGGEST SECRETS for making connections in this industry that will have casting directors and producers reach out to YOU for acting jobs

(You’ll start getting emails like this all the time too! 👉)

(You’ll start getting emails like this all the time too! 👇)

my top 3 guidelines to managing your social media as an actor

Be the FIRST person people think of when they need an actor!

These days, your online profile is one of your strongest assets! Taking advantage of your social media to create a strong portfolio is CRUCIAL as an actor

Learn how to easily set up your social media and start getting messages like this without eating up all your time!

get the 21-day checklist

Success doesn’t come to people by accident! Achieving your goals as an actor will take a STRUCTURED PLAN

With this powerful checklist, you will know exactly what you need to do at every step along the road

(also, ticking off those little boxes will feel soo satisfying)

And all this for about 0.1% of what you'd pay for a drama school education!

I priced it this way because I wanted to make sure that if you have a dream to be an actor, money would not be the thing that stops you!

Meet Your Acting Sensei

Hi! My name is Kot Takahashi. I’ve wanted to be an actor since I was young, but there was a problem…

I had NO money, NO industry connections, NO degree, I HATED the way I looked and sounded on camera, and I lived hundreds of miles away from Hollywood… 

But being the weird guy I am, I figured out some strategies that helped me navigate through this confusing industry, and the results for me have literally been more than I could have ever hoped for…

I started to book so many jobs, I was able to quit my day job and work as an actor full time!

I started actually booking jobs that paid me (see below)…

Bookings From Agents/Casting Directors

Not only was I getting PAID to do something I love, but I was making a lot of money 😭 (I never experienced this before in my life… I was making $15 an hour before I started acting)

So not only was I able to quit my day job, but I was FINALLY doing what I LOVED and was passionate about, and got to star in some AMAZING films and commercials…

Check Out Some Of My work

Brands i've worked with

And as a little cherry on top, I started getting messages like these from friends…

What People Have To Say

Kot is an incredible actor. He embodied his character from the very first audition. He was very thorough asking questions to better understand the character and deliver the performance I wanted of him.
Angie B.
Kot is so wonderful to work with. He brings a smile to set, is so kind and uplifting. He is easy going and full of energy. His can-do attitude makes me want him on every set. He is willing to help out behind the scenes. In short he's a gem.
Shelly W.
Clearly, I don't need to convince you that Kot has talent as an actor. What I have experienced is what goes beyond acting. What Kot brings to the table is enthusiasm that raises the collective energy of the people around him.
Kim C.
I had a fantastic experience working with Kot. We auditioned aver 150 actors and he got the part because he was unique, humble and had a great emotional range which was crucial for the scene. I will definitely hire him again for my next project!
Dmitry C.
I'm so lucky to have been able to work with Kot. He's exactly what we needed for our film. His was very fun on set but also extremely constructive and focused. You can tell he wants the best for any project he's involved in.

Jill N.

Why this program is the BEST way for you to get results

Why this program is the BEST way for you to get results

Most of the info out there is out of date

The industry changes FAST!

After the pandemic, most of the casting processes shifted online— which is great for actors!

But it also means that most books, articles, Youtube videos, masterclasses, and general advice is not as relevant or useful as it once was

This course was designed for the new post-pandemic world in 2022 and will be updated regularly to stay current!

Most content doesn't teach you the necessary skills to book jobs

So much of the content out there focuses solely on either the technique OR the marketing for an actor– but the truth is, you need BOTH to succeed!

This program dives deep into both the “show” and the “business” side of show business in 2022, giving you everything you need to win!

You will Avoid making critical mistakes

You will avoid YEARS of wasted time and THOUSANDS of wasted dollars by avoiding some of the common advice traps out there

“Agent! Manager! Move cities!” 

There is a time and place for these things, but honestly, it’s a waste of your time and resources if you pursue these at the wrong time

Drama school is insanely expensive

Seriously… Just google the average cost of a drama school education. Yikes

Luckily, you DON’T need a diploma to get acting work. You just need a basic understanding of how the industry works!

Acting classes don't teach you everything

Most acting classes don’t teach you how to book jobs

I love acting classes, and I would never discourage anyone from learning their craft. However, ask any successful actor and they will tell you that acting technique is only a PART of the puzzle

Without the right industry knowledge, you won’t be able to get any jobs and acquire REAL-WORLD experience

Real-world experience will teach you more than any acting class ever could

Figuring it out on your own is... silly

I’ll just wing it!” “I’ll figure it out!”

Of course, you CAN figure it out on your own…

But what’s likely going to happen is that you are going to make the same mistakes that I and many others have already made and can save you from

If you value your time and your money, why waste it walking blindly through a path that has already been mapped out by other actors before you?

You have a 7-day money back gUARANTEE!

You have nothing to lose!

If you find that my years of experience in the industry isn’t valuable to you, you can request a refund within 7 days, no questions asked and no hard feelings!

I want to help you follow your dreams! If I’m unable to do that, then I think that your money is indeed better spent elsewhere

You wouldn’t ask a fish how to fish for fish… you would ask a fisherman!

Learn from a working actor

Learn from an actor who is CURRENTLY ACTING full time!

I am not a retired actor, an acting teacher, or a casting director who deals with actors

I am a working actor, out there auditioning and booking jobs

I live and breathe this beautiful craft. I know what it’s like to be in YOUR shoes and I know exactly what you need to get you your next breakthrough because I’ve been there myself!

Results From People In This Program

"Many of us, myself included, are totally lost when it comes to pursuing an acting career. We get bits and pieces from many people and many sources but it's all so confusing. This program by Kot is great. It's structured and will teach you how to become an actor. Good luck and see you at the top!!"
Patrick F.

There is no “one thing” that makes an actor



All you need now is a PROVEN PATH to navigate through the industry and book CONSISTENT, professional work, so you can ALSO live your passion and do what you love

There is no “one thing” that makes an actor



All you need now is a PROVEN PATH to navigate through the industry and book CONSISTENT, professional work, so you can ALSO live your passion and do what you love

Why Am I Doing this?

Why did I create this program in the first place? If I’m booking so much acting work, why am I making a course? 
Well it’s because I love movies and entertainment so much. My crazy brain comes up with all kinds of big ideas for movies that I actually want to start creating… but I decided that instead of trying to find traditional funding for my projects, I wanted to raise the money by actually HELPING people, doing something that I love, that I’m passionate about, and that I’m good at. 
And that’s what motivates me to bring this to you today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does lifetime access sound to you?

You have a 7-day money back guarantee! Just send us an email at and we’ll refund you your entire investment. Check it out and see if the program is a good fit for you. You have nothing to lose even if you’re on the fence, but we guarantee you’ll be jumping for joy about the investment you’ve just made in your career!

Yes, this program will teach you how to book acting jobs in any market. As long as you’re willing to commute to the jobs that DO come up, you’re good to go!

YES! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked with new or inexperienced actors on a professional set. It’s MORE than possible if you approach the business with the right strategy

NOPE! All you need is your smartphone, a light source, and a blank wall!

This program is all about booking acting jobs. How far you want to go with your passion is entirely up to you!

YES! I’m a working actor so I know what the current trends are. I will make sure this program is updated with the most relevant information so that you can continue to book jobs!

Not if you don’t want to. We’re going to work to maximize the opportunities that are MOST accessible to you and your current life situation before you have to make any big life decisions like that. In fact, it can be to your advantage to start in less saturated markets when you’re starting out. That’s what I did!

You don’t need an agent or manager when you’re starting out.

Agents and managers typically take between 10-20% of your income as an actor. Just how they only take a small percentage of your money, they only do a SMALL percentage of the work it takes to get you booked.

Agents want to work with an actor that is ready to work professional jobs because that’s how they make money. 

The best time to get an agent is after you’ve proven you can BOOK WORK.


The Streaming video market is estimated to grow from 60 million in 2021 to 300 million in 2030! 

And according to Forbes, each American is exposed to an estimated 4000-10,000 ads PER DAY.

All this has led to the Bureau of Labor Statistics to project that the employment of actors will rise 32% between 2020 and 2030. 

That’s a whole bunch of numbers, I know, but it basically means that the demand for actors is SKYROCKETING!

It’s time to jump in now and get in the game, or watch all the other new actors out there take all the glory!

Here's How To Get Instant Access Right Now

To get instant access to the Working Actor in 21 Days Program, just scroll down and click the “Enroll now!” button. You’ll be taken to a checkout page where you can make the final purchase. Once you do that, you’ll be given access to our Private Members Area where the course and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I’ll see you inside!

100% Risk Free!

If you’re still on the fence, remember… this purchase is 100% Risk Free! If you don’t want to run outside and jump for joy because you just made the BEST investment in your career, just send us an email at within 7 days of your purchase and we’ll refund your entire investment.


Regular price: $497


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DISCLAIMER: This program DOES NOT guarantee you any specific results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All investments entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THE Working Actor in 21 Days COURSE.